1) Jinxin Liu, Yongping Yu, Xiaolong Ma*, Youhong Sun, Bing Li**. Analysis of near-well hydraulic fracture propagation behavior in inhomogeneous deep-sea hydrate-bearing-sediments, Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 2024, 242, 213259.
2) Yongping Yu, Daisen Zhao, Chenyang Li, Yao Liang, Zhigang Wang, Weipeng Sun*, Research on ship-ice collision model and ship-bow fatigue failure mechanism based on elastic-plastic ice constitutive relation, Ocean Engineering, 2024, 306, 118005.
3) Yanying Li, Yongping Yu*, Daisen Zhao, Youhong Sun, Bailong Li, CW Lim, Investigation on fatigue life of push-the-bit rotary steerable bottom hole assembly with random bit-rock interaction, Thin-Walled Structures, 2024, 198, 111752.
4) Jinxin Liu, Yongping Yu, Xiaolong Ma, Youhong Sun, Bing Li*, Analysis of competition and interference mechanisms of multiple hydraulic fractures in deep-sea hydrate reservoirs in the South China Sea, Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 2024, 235, 212730.
5) Wei Song, Yongping Yu*, Yan Liu, Yuhui Feng, Zhengyi He, Weiran Tian, Compression behavior of CFST columns under combined influence of gap and freeze-thaw, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2024, 214, 108452.
6) Jinxin Liu, Yongping Yu*, Bing Li*, and Youhong Sun, Analysis of 3D Hydraulic Fracture Morphology and Fracture Critical Parameters in Hydrate-Bearing Sediments in the South China Sea Using Extended Finite Elements, Energy & Fuels, 2024, 38 (1), 314-332.
7) Yanying Li, Yongping Yu*, Youhong Sun, Bailong Li, Dynamics and fatigue life investigation of push-the-bit rotary steerable bottom hole assembly with whirling finite element model, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2023, 150, 107300.
8) Yongping Yu*, Wei Song, Peng Zhao, Zhengguang Li**, Approximate analytical investigation of large-amplitude rolling motion of ships with the improved Galerkin method, Ocean Engineering, 2022, 266 (3), 112855.
9) Lihui Chen, Yongping Yu*, Wei Song, Tianwei Wang, Weipeng Sun**, Stability of geometrically imperfect struts with Ramberg–Osgood constitutive law, Thin-Walled Structures, 2022, 177, 109438.
10) Jinhua Cheng, Youhong Sun, Yongping Yu*, Lihui Chen, Jinhao Wu, Numerical analysis of drill string whirl for vertical well based on rolling model and small-strain shell element, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2022, 214, 110565.
11) Jinhua Cheng, Youhong Sun*, Yongping Yu**, Jinhao Wu, Lihui Chen, Jinxin Liu, Effect of interference magnitude on ultimate strength and failure analysis of aluminium-drill-pipe-body-tool-joint-assemblies with Johnson-Cook model, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2022, 137, 106281.
12) Yongping Yu, Jinxin Liu, Xiaolong Ma, Guang Yang, Youhong Sun, Weipeng Sun*, and Weiping Shi*, Mechanism Analysis of Multi-Cluster Fracture Interference in Horizontal Wells of Hydrate Reservoirs in the South China Sea, Energy & Fuels, 2022, 36(7), 3580-3595.
13) Yongping Yu, Jinxin Liu, Bing Li**, Youhong Sun*, Analysis of the hydraulic fracturing mechanism and fracture propagation law with a new extended finite element model for the silty hydrate reservoir in the South China Sea, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2022, 101, 104535.
14) Lihui Chen, Yongping Yu*, Jinhua Cheng, Shaopeng Zheng, C.W. Lim, Accurate analytical approximation to post-buckling of column with Ramberg−Osgood constitutive law, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2021, 98, 121-133.
15) W. P. Sun, K. L. Miao, Yongping Yu*, C. W. Lim*, Highly Accurate Analytical Approximate Solutions to Mixed-Parity Duffing Equation, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2021, 13(5), 2150061.
16) Yongping Yu, Lihui Chen, Ping Yu, Weipeng Sun*, Analytical Approximate Solution for Large Post-Buckling Behavior of a Fixed-Pinned Beam Subjected to Terminal Force with Shear Force Effect, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, 2021, 45, 159–164.
17) Jinhua Cheng, Youhong Sun, Yongping Yu*, Lihui Chen, Xiaolong Ma, Nonlinear thermo-mechanical coupled analysis of high temperature effect on strength, contact stress and ultimate torque of tool joint, International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2020, 188, 104221.
18) Yongping Yu, Lihui Chen, Juanjuan Wang, Guoji Liu*, Dynamic Characteristics Analysis of Ice-Adhesion Transmission Tower-Line System under Effect of Wind-Induced Ice Shedding, Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 2020, 125(2), 647-670.
19) Yongping Yu,Lihui Chen,Zhigang Wang,Guoji Liu*, Response Analysis of Nonlinear Free Vibration of Parallel-Plate MEMS Actuators: An Analytical Approximate Method, Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, 2020, 8(6), 935–946.
20) Yongping Yu, Lihui Chen, Shaopeng Zheng, Baihui Zeng, Weipeng Sun*, Closed Solution for Initial Post-Buckling Behavior Analysis of a Composite Beam with Shear Deformation Effect, Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 2020, 123(1), 185-200.
21) Youhong Sun, Jinhua Cheng, Zhigang Wang, Yongping Yu (于永平) *, Lieyu Tian, Jing’an Lu, Analytical Approximate Solution for Nonlinear Behavior of Cantilever FGM MEMS Beam with Thermal and Size Dependency, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2019, 2019, 9637048.
22) Yongping Yu (于永平), Lihui Chen, C.W. Lim, Youhong Sun*, Predicting nonlinear dynamic response of internal cantilever beam system on a steadily rotating ring, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2018, 64, 541–555.
23) Yongping Yu (于永平), Lihui Chen, Weipeng Sun, Baihui Zeng, Youhong Sun*,An analytical investigation on large post-buckling behavior of a drilling shaft modeled as a rotating beam with various boundary conditions, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2018,148, 486–495.
24) Weipeng Sun, Youhong Sun, Yongping Yu*, Baisheng Wu, A Comparison of the Improved and Classic Half-Power Bandwidth Methods in Estimating Damping for Multi-DOF Systems, Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, 2018, 6(3), 219-225.
25) Youhong Sun, Yongping Yu*, Reply to Comments on “A simple and accurate numeric solution procedure for nonlinear buckling model of drill string with frictional effect”, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2017 154, 161-162.
26) Yongping Yu, Hongzhi Zhang, Youhong Sun, Weipeng Sun*, Predicting dynamic response of large amplitude free vibrations of cantilever tapered beams on a nonlinear elastic foundation, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2017, 87(4), 751-765.
27) Youhong Sun, Yongping Yu*, Baisheng Wu, Baochang Liu. Closed form solutions for nonlinear static response of curled cantilever micro-/nanobeams including both the fringing field and van der Waals force effect, Microsystem Technologies, 2017, 23(1), 163-174.
28) Weipeng Sun, Youhong Sun, Yongping Yu*, Shaopeng Zheng. Nonlinear vibration analysis of a type of tapered cantilever beams by using an analytical approximate method, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2016, 59(1), 1-14.
29) Youhong Sun, Baisheng Wu, Yongping Yu*. Analytical Approximate Prediction of Thermal Post-Buckling Behavior of the Spring-Hinged Beam. International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2016, 8(3), 1650028.
30) Youhong Sun, Yongping Yu*, Baochang Liu, Brief and accurate analytical approximations to nonlinear static response of curled cantilever micro beams. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2015, 56(3), 461–472.
31) Youhong Sun, Yongping Yu*, Baochang Liu, A simple and accurate numeric solution procedure for nonlinear buckling model of drill string with frictional effect, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2015, 128, 44–52.
32) Youhong Sun, Baisheng Wu, Yongping Yu*, Combined Effect of pressure and geometric imperfection on buckling of stressed thin films on substrates, Acta Mechanica, 2015, 226(5), 1647–1655.
33) Youhong Sun, Yongping Yu*, Baochang Liu, Closed form solutions for predicting static and dynamic buckling behaviors of a drillstring in a horizontal well, European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 2015, 49, 362–37.
34) Yongping Yu*, Baisheng Wu, Analytical Approximate Solutions To Large-Amplitude Free Vibrations Of Uniform Beams On Pasternak Foundation, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2014, 6(6), 1450075.
35) Yongping Yu, Baisheng Wu *, An approach to predicting static responses of electrostatically actuated microbeam under the effect of fringing field and Casimir force, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2014, 80, 183–192.
36) Yongping Yu, Baisheng Wu *, Youhong Sun, Zang Lin, Analytical approximate solutions to large amplitude vibration of a spring–hinged beam, Meccanica, 2013, 48(10), 2569–2575.
37) Yongping Yu*, Youhong Sun, Zang Lin, Analytical Solution for Initial Postbuckling Deformation of the Sandwich Beams Including Transverse Shear, Journal of Engineering Mechanics-ASCE, 2013, 139(8), 1084-1090.
38) Yongping Yu*, Youhong Sun, Analytical Approximate solutions for Large post-buckling response of a hygrothermal beam, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2012, 43(2), 211-223.
39) Yongping Yu, Baisheng Wu, Lim, C.W.*, Numerical and analytical approximations to large post-buckling deformation of MEMS, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2012, 55(1), 95-103.
40) Yongping Yu, Lim, C.W.*, Baisheng Wu, Analytical approximations to large hygrothermal buckling deformation of a beam, Journal of Structural Engineering-ASCE, 134(4), pp 602-607, 2008.
41) Yu Yongping, Sun Youhong, Application of Numerical and Analytical Approximation Methods in Stability Analysis of Drill String Systems, Science Press, 2017, Beijing
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