张延军,现为港奥宝典免费材料查询岩土工程系主任,教授,博士生导师。1993-1998年任长春地质学院驻上海办事处经理部任副经理,2002-2004年于清华大学水力水电工程系博士后工作,2004-2008年任港奥宝典免费材料查询副教授,2008.7-2009.7 美国Kent State University 访问学者,2008年任港奥宝典免费材料查询教授、博士生导师。近年来承担并完成国家“863计划”主题项目子课题1项、教育部高等学校博士点专项基金1项、国家自然科学基金面上项目4项、其它省部级纵横向课题等共计30余项,公开发表学术论文120余篇,其中SCI/EI论文30余篇,申请发明专利10余项,登记软件著作权5项,参编行业规范及地方规范2部。
CO2地质储存,开展二氧化碳封存技术的理论、试验、方法及示范应用研究; 浅层地热能开发,研究浅层测温新理论、新方法、新技术,集成原位浅层测温设备及地源热泵场地应用等; 岩石热力学,测试岩石热物性参数,评价储层传热传质及热储能力; 深部地热资源(干热岩)开发,优化储层改造(水力压裂)及统计微震事件,开展THCM多场耦合,评价及监测地热资源(含干热岩)储量动态变化。
1. Jianming Li, Yanjun Zhang. GIS-supported certainty factor (CF) models for assessment of geothermal potential: A case study of Tengchong County, southwest China. Energy,2017,140 (SCI) 2. Yueqiang Ma, Yanjun Zhang, Ziwang Yu, Yibin Huang, Chi Zhang. Heat transfer by water flowing through rough fractures and distribution of local heat transfer coefficient along the flow direction. International journal of heat and mass transfer .119 (2018) :139-147 (SCI) 3. Yanjun Zhang, Yangyang Xie, Tong Zhang, Tong Liu, Chi Zhang, 2 m survey method and its improved device application in Dongshan geothermal field in Xiamen in China, Environmental earth sciences, 2016,75(18):1290 (SCI) 4. Yanjun Zhang, Jianing Zhang, Ziwang Yu, Liangliang Guo, Shren Hao, Analysis of the influence of different groundwater flow conditions on the thermal response test in Tangshan, Environmental earth sciences, 2016, 75(22):1444 (SCI) 5. Liangliang GUo, Yanjun Zhang, Ziwang Yu, Zhongjun Hu, Chengyu Lan, Tianfu Xu, Hot dry rock geothermal potential of the Xujiaweizi area in Songliao Basin, northeastern China, Environmental earth sciences, 2016, 75 (6) :1-22 (SCI) 6. Ziwang Yu, Yanjun Zhang, Bingqiang Zhou, Liangliang Guo, Zhengwei Li, Xiaoguang Li, Laboratory Investigation of Electroosmosis Effects in Saturated Dredger Fill —A Comparison with the Stack Preloading, Drying Technology, 2016, 35 (6) :736-746 (SCI) 7. Ziwang Yu, Yanjun Zhang, Shuren Hao, Jianing Zhang, Xiaoguang Li, Bowei Cai, Tianfu Xu, Numerical study based on one-year monitoring data of groundwater-source heat pumps primarily for heating: a case in Tangshan, China, Environmental Earth Sciences, 2016, 75 (14) :1070 (SCI) 8. Ziwang Yu, Liangliang Guo, Yanjun Zhang, Tianfu Xu, Chengyu Lan, Xianlong Huang, Feasibility analysis of a medium- to low-temperature enhanced geothermal combined with heat pump system (MLEGHP) for heating application in severely cold regions: a case study in Shenyang, Northeastern China, Environmental Earth Sciences, 2016, 75 (10) :920 (SCI) 9. Yanjun Zhang, Liangliang Guo, Zhengwei Li, Ziwang Yu, Tianfu Xu, Chengyu Lan,Electricity generation and heating potential from enhanced geothermal system in Songliao Basin, China: Different reservoir stimulation strategies for tight rock and naturally fractured formations, Energy, 2015, 93 :1860-1885 (SCI) 10. Ping Gao, Yanjun Zhang, Ziwang Yu, Jingtao Fang, Qing Zhang, Correlation study of shallow layer rock and soil thermal physical tests in laboratory and field, GEOTHERMICS, 2015, 53 (1) :508-516 (SCI) 11. Yanjun Zhang, Zhengwei Li, Ziwang Yu, Liangliang Guo, Xianpeng Jin, Tianfu Xu, Evaluation of developing an enhanced geothermal heating system in northeast China: Field hydraulic stimulation and heat production forecast, Energy & Buildings, 2015, 88 (88) :1-14 (SCI) 12. Qing Zhang, Yanjun Zhang, Ping Gao, Ziwang Yu, Effect of natural cold source on groundwater source heat pump according to laboratory and field geotechnical thermal physical tests, Energy & Buildings, 2014, 84 :557-566 (SCI) 13. Yanjun Zhang, Ping Gao, Ziwang Yu, Jingtao Fang, Chang Li, Characteristics of ground thermal properties in Harbin, China, Energy & Buildings, 2014, 69(2) :251-259 (SCI) 14. Li ZW, Feng XT , Zhang YJ ,Zhang C, Xu TF;, Wang YS, Experimental research on the convection heat transfer characteristics of distilled water in manmade smooth and rough rock fractures.Energy,2017(133):206-218 (SCI) 15. Liangliang Guo, Yongbao Zhang, YanjunZhang, Ziwang Yu, Jianing Zhang, Experimental investigation of granite properties under differenttemperatures and pressures and numerical analysis of damage effectin enhanced geothermal system, Renewable Energy, 2018, 126: 107-125 (SCI) 16 Zhengwei Li, Xiating Feng, Yanjun Zhang, Tianfu Xu, Feasibility study of developing a geothermal heating system in naturallyfractured formations: Reservoir hydraulic properties determination and heatproduction forecast, Geothermics, 2018, 73 :1–15 (SCI) 17.Yanjun Zhang, Zhengwei Li, Liangliang Guo, Ping Gao, XianpengJin, Tianfu Xu, Electricity generation from enhanced geothermal systems by oilfield produced water circulating through reservoir stimulated by staged fracturing technology for horizontal wells: A case study in Xujiaweizi area in Daqing Oilfield, China. Energy, 2014 , 78 (C) :788-805 (SCI) 18. Yanjun Zhang, Shuren Hao, Ziwang Yu, Jingtao Fang, Jianing Zhang, Xiaomin Yu, Comparison of test methods for shallow layered rock thermal conductivity between in situ distributed thermal response tests and laboratory test based on drilling in northeast China, Energy & Buildings, 2014. (SCI) 19.Yanjun Zhang, Ling Zhou, Zhongjun Hu, Ziwang Yu, Shuren Hao, Zhihong Lei and Yangyang Xie, Prediction of Layered Thermal Conductivity Using Artificial Neural Network in Order to Have Better Design of Ground Source Heat Pump System,Energies, 2018 , 11 (7) :1896 (SCI) 20.Yanjun Zhang, ShuRen Hao, Ziwang Yu, Xiaoguang Li, Tianfu Xu, Land uplift induced by injection: a feasible method to evaluate the security of CO 2 capture and sequestration projects, Environmental Earth Sciences, 2018 , 77 (13) :513 (SCI) 21. Jianming Li, Qing Zhang, Yanjun Zhang, Entropy theory-integrated information model for the assessment of geothermal potential: a case study of Tengchong County, Southwest China, Environmental Earth Sciences, 2018, 77 (3) :98 (SCI) 22. Qing Zhang, Yanjun Zhang, Ziwang Yu, Calculation of Slope Safety Coefficient Based on Newton’s Iteration, Applied Mechanics & Materials, 2013, 397-400 :2531-2535 (EI) 23. Qing Zhang, Yanjun Zhang, Ziwang Yu, Research on groundwater heat source pump in the cold region, Applied Mechanics & Materials, 2013, 448-453 :1038-1041 (EI) 24. Yu Ziwang, Zhang Yanjun, Wang Cheng, Qu Chengsong, Hydro-thermal coupled numerical simulation for groundwater storage energy and its application, 2011 International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Control: 3202-3206 (EI) 25. 李晓光,张延军,王成,黄贤龙,瞿成松,基于TOUGH软件模拟加拿大BORDEN含水层储能试验,吉林大学学报(地球科学版),2011,41(1):214-220 (EI) 26. 黄芮,张延军,李洪岩,倪金,辽河三角洲相沉积软土动力特性试验,吉林大学学报(地球科学版), 2010, 40(5) :1115-1120 (EI) 27. 张延军,于子望,黄锐,吴刚,胡继华, 岩土热导率测量和温度影响研究, 岩土工程学报, 2009, 31(2):213-217 (EI) 28. 张延军,赵龙,祁福利,倪福全,降水效果的数值分析和设计优化研究,岩土力学,2008,29(10):2673-2677 (EI) 29. 张延军,王恩志,MLS方形影响域法,工程力学,2006, 23(6):60-64 (EI) 30. 张延军,王恩志,王思敬,降雨渗流作用下滑坡变形数值分析, 辽宁工程技术大学学报,2006, 25(6): 858-860(EI) 31. 张延军,王恩志,王思敬,非饱和土中的流-固耦合研究,岩土力学,2004,25(6):999-1004 (EI) 32. 张延军,王恩志,王思敬,无网格伽辽金法求解固结方程的数值误差分析,岩石力学与工程学报,2004,23(18):3117-3121(EI) 33. 张延军,肖树芳,无单元法(EFGM)—在岩土工程上有限元法的有力补充,计算力学学报,2003,20(2):179-183 (EI) 34. 张延军,王思敬,王恩志,有限元与无网格伽辽金耦合法分析二相连续多孔介质,计算物理,2003,20(2):142-146. (EI)
一、发明专利 1. 张延军;郭亮亮;李正伟;胡忠君;于子望;高平;张庆;许天福;唐生荣,一种干热岩压裂原位换热实验室模拟系统装置,国家发明专利,ZL201410012005.6 2. 张延军;郝术仁;张通;殷仁朝;于子望;胡忠君;张弛;谢洋洋;刘彤,一种组合式原位浅层地温测量探头,国家发明专利,ZL201410740053.7 3. 张延军;李建明;殷仁朝;余海;高平;梅振宙;胡忠君,便携式原位浅层地温和导热系数测量装置及测试方法,国家发明专利,ZL201410304878.4 4. 张延军;张佳宁;李正伟;郭亮亮;胡忠君;于子望;高平;张庆;许天福;唐荣生,一种干热岩压裂高压提高采收率实验室模拟装置,国家发明专利,ZL201410012026.8 5. 张延军;黄奕斌;马跃强;张通;于子望;胡忠君;张谦;张雨,原位岩土热物性参数测试一体化装置,实用新型,ZL201621375435.5 6. 张延军;马跃强;黄奕斌;张通;于子望;胡忠君;张谦;张雨,一种原位地层热物性参数测量探针,实用新型,ZL201621380897.6 7. 张延军;张佳宁;白林;郭亮亮;李正伟;于子望;胡忠君;许天福,干热岩多循环加热系统,实用新型,ZL201420739166.0 8. 张延军;周玲;胡忠君;张通;于子望;雷治红;朱成成;类红磊;吕天奇,一种大尺寸导流池干热岩裂隙热能置换装置,实用新型,ZL201620545212.2 9. 张延军;谢洋洋;张佳宁;白林;郭亮亮;李正伟;于子望;胡忠君;许天福, 干热岩多循环加热系统及其生产方法. 发明专利:ZL201410713233.6 二、软件著作权 1. 张延军,杨春光,董国明,于孝民,戚树军,马国明,于子望,胡忠君,高平,殷仁朝,地源热泵(GSHP)模拟设计软件,登记号:2014SR193161 2. 张延军,干热岩多相流固THCM耦合软件V1.0,申请号:2013SR078021 3. 张延军,CGS-THCM耦合软件,申请号:2013SR078127 4. 张延军,地下流动系统热-水动力-力学-化学多场耦合数值模拟软件V1.0,登记号:2016SR334905 5. 张延军,考虑地下水渗流的地下交换器热响应数值分析软件V1.0,登记号2012SR090800
获奖: “核电厂水文地质调查与评价技术规范”,2017年获中核集团公司科学技术奖 “浅层地热能评价及相关因素研究”,2015年获吉林省自然科学学术成果奖三等奖,第一获奖人 "辽宁省海岸带软土发育规律动力学特征及其工程影响研究",2010年获辽宁省国土资源厅科学技术成果奖二等奖,第一获奖人 荣誉: 2006年获得中国地质学会第十届“青年地质科技奖” ——银锤奖