徐燕,女,教授,博士生导师,吉林大学岩土工程专业工学学士、地质工程专业工学博士,日本京都大学防灾研究所访问学者。主讲《隧道工程设计》本科课程及《边坡工程》研究生课程。主持并完成科研课题10余项,其中国家自然科学基金项目1项,省部级科研项目3项;发表科研论文40余篇,其中SCI收录20余篇;主编教材2部,授权发明专利5项。中国岩石力学与工程学会寒区岩土力学与工程分会理事、国际地质灾害减灾委员会委员。联系方式:[email protected]
1.KongFansheng,Xu Yan*,Du Hua,He Yuanyuan,Zheng Chuanfeng.Spatio-temporal evolution of water erosion in the western Songnen Plain:Analysis of its response to land use dynamics and climate change.Soil & Tillage Research.2025.245.106299 .
2.Kong Fansheng,Xu Yan*,Hu Zhongjun,Du Hua,Zhang Jinsheng,Zhang Zheyuan, HaoWei.Disintegration characteristics of sodic-saline loessial soil after freeze-thaw and wet-dry cycles .Earth Surface Processes and landforms.2024.49(7).2229-2244.
3.He YuanYuan,Yan Xu,Yan Lv,et al.Characterization of unfrozen water in the high-organic matter turfy soil during freeze-thaw process by nuclear magnetic resonance . Engineering Geology, 2023, 312.
4.Bao Chonghao,Zheng Chuanfeng,Xu Yan,Nie Lei,Wang Yuhang,Role of rejuvenator properties in determining the activation effects on aged asphalt based on molecular simulations.Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023,405,136970.
5.Kong Fansheng, Nie Lei, Xu Yan*, RuiXiangjian, He Yuanyuan, Zhang Tao, Wang Yuzheng,Du Chao,Bao Chonghao. Effects of freeze-thaw cycles on the erodibility and microstructure of soda-saline loessal soil in Northeastern China. Catena,2022.209.
6.Bao Chonghao,Zheng Chuanfeng,Xu Yan,Nie Lei,Luo Haisong.Microscopic analysis of the evolution of asphalt colloidal properties and rejuvenation behavior in aged asphalt. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 339, 130761.
7.Bao Chonghao, Xu Yan, Zheng Chuanfeng, Nie Lei, Yang Xue. Rejuvenation effect evaluation and mechanism analysis of rejuvenators on aged asphalt using molecular simulation. Materials and Structures, 2022, 55(2),52.
8.Yuanyuan He, Yan Xu,Yan Lv, Lei Nie, Xiaoting Feng, Tingting Liu, Tao Zhang, Yuzheng Wang, Chao Du, Xiangjian Rui, Fansheng Kong. Characterization of thermal conductivity of seasonally frozen turfy soil from Northeastern China. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment,2022,81,481.
9.He Yuanyuan, Xu Yan, Lv Yan, Nie Lei, Wang Hong. Soil Bacterial Community Structure in Turfy Swamp and Its Response to Highway Disturbance. International journal of environmental research and public health, 2020, 17(21), 7822.
10.Linxian Gong, Lei Nie, Yan Xu*, Hong Wang, Tao Zhang, Chao Du, Yuzheng Wang. Discrete element modelling of the mechanical behaviour of a sand-rubber mixture containing large rubber particles. Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 205:574-585.
11.Gong Linxian, Nie Lei, Xu Yan*. Discrete Element Analysis of the Strength Anisotropy of Fiber-Reinforced Sands Subjected to Direct Shear Load. Applied Sciences-Basel, 2020, 10(11), 3693.
12.XiangJian Rui, Lei Nie, Yan Xu*, Chao Du, FanSheng Kong, Tao Zhang, YuanYuan He, YuZheng Wang. Characterization of Evolution Stages, Groundwater and Soil Features of the Mud Forest Landscape at Qian-an (China). Applied Sciences-Basel, 2020, 10(21), 7427.
13.Gong Linxian, Nie Lei, Xu Yan*.Geometrical and Topological Analysis of Pore Space in Sandstones Based on X-ray Computed Tomography. Energies,2020, 13(15),3774.
14.Rui Xiangjian,Nie Lei,Xu Yan*,Wang Hong. Land Degeneration due to Water Infiltration and Sub-Erosion: A Case Study of Soil Slope Failure at the National Geological Park of Qian-an Mud Forest, China. Sustainability, 2019, 11(17), 4709.
15.Wang Hong,Nie Lei,Xu Yan*,Du Chao,Zhang Tao,Wang Yuzheng.Effects of Highway-Related Pollutant on the Groundwater Quality of Turfy Swamps in the Changbai Mountain Area. International Journal of Environmental Research and Health, 2018, 15(8), 1652.
16.Hong Wang,Lei Nie,Yan Xu*,Miao Li,Yan Lv. Traffic-emitted metal status and uptake by Carex meyeriana Kunth and Thelypteris palustris var. pubescens Fernald growing in roadside turfy swamp in the Changbai Mountain area, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, (19): 18498-18509.
17. Hong Wang, Lei Nie, Yan Xu*, Yan Lv.The Effect of Highway on Heavy Metal Accumulation in Soil in Turfy Swamps, Northeastern China. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 2017, 228(8): 292.
18.Lei Nie, Hongfei Wang, Yan Xu, Application of the arctangent function model in the prediction of ground mining subsidence deformation: a case study from Fushun City, Liaoning Province,China. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the environment, 2016, 76(4):1-16.