[email protected]
1. 超硬材料与钻头
2. 轻质高强钻杆
3. 钻具摩擦磨损、腐蚀与防护
4. 钻探碎岩理论与技术
5. 微波辅助水合物开采
2001-2005 吉林大学 地质工程专业 博士
1997-2000 吉林大学… 地质工程专业 硕士
1993-1997 长春地质学院 勘察工程专业 本科
2021-至今 港奥宝典免费材料查询勘察工程系 系主任
2016-至今 港奥宝典免费材料查询 教授、博士生导师
2013-2020 港奥宝典免费材料查询 副院长
2010-2011 美国Los Alamos国家实验室 访问学者
2007-2012 吉林大学工程仿生教育部重点实验室 博士后
2000-2012 港奥宝典免费材料查询勘察工程系 助教、讲师、副教授、系副主任
[1] Shuai Zhang; Yinlong Ma; Sixu Zhao; Wenhao Dai; Baochang Liu*. Enhanced coating system corrosion protection of 2A14 Al alloy by modified cerium seal PEO pretreatment[J].Corrosion Science,2024,Vol.235: 112203
[2] Jianbo Tu; Xueqi Wang; Baochang Liu*. Fragmentation behavior of diamond particles with different particle size and ratio under high pressure compaction[J].Ceramics International,2024,Vol.50(19): 36145-36155
[3] Jianbo Tu; Xueqi Wang; Baochang Liu*. HPHT sintering and performance investigation of PDC with high stacking density by dual particle size diamond formulations[J].International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials,2024,Vol.124: 106802
[4] Wang Xueqi; Tu Jianbo; Dai Wenhao; Zhao Chuang; Zhu Yue; Zhu Pinwen; Tao Qiang; Liu Baochang*. Novel high-performance polycrystalline diamond compact enhanced using vanadium additives[J].Ceramics International,2024,Vol.50(10): 17773-17782
[5] Jiaqi Yun; Baochang Liu*. Tribological behavior of textured polycrystalline diamond compact for thrust bearings using the surface morphology of dung beetles as an inspiration[J].Tribology International,2024,Vol.199: 109936
[6] Jiaqi Yun; Baochang Liu*. Cobalt-removed PDC as the diamond thrust bearing friction pair material: tribological behavior in water-based drilling fluids [J].Tribology International,2023,Vol.189: 109004
[7] Bao-Chang Liu; Shuai Zhang; Hong-Wei Xiong; Wen-Hao Dai & Yin-Long Ma. Effect of Al Content on the Corrosion Behavior of Extruded Dilute Mg–Al–Ca–Mn Alloy [J].Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters),2023,Vol.36(1): 77
[8] Shuai Zhang; Cheng Wang; Sixu Zhao; Anqi Niu; Yinlong Ma; Baochang Liu*. Enhanced long-term corrosion protection of 2A14 aluminum alloy: Hybrid effect of micro-arc oxidation coating and cerium based conversion treatment [J].Surface and Coatings Technology,2023,Vol.464: 129579
[9] Xueqi Wang; Jianbo Tu; Wenhao Dai; Pinwen Zhu; Qiang Tao; Fulong Ning; Baochang Liu8. Enhanced mechanical properties of fine-grained polycrystalline diamond compact doping with nano‑vanadium carbide [J].International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials,2023,Vol.114: 106248
[10] Jiaqi Yun; Chuang Zhao; Xuhui Li; Haoya Liu; Baochang Liu*. Enhancement of mechanical properties of oil well cement by nano-SiO2/h-BN [J].Journal of Building Engineering,2023,Vol.76: 107115
[11] Wenhao Dai; Shuai Zhang; Jianbo Tu; Xueqi Wang; Chuang Zhao; Baochang Liu*. Grain size dependence of wear resistance of polycrystalline diamond compact[J].Ceramics International,2023,Vol.49(23): 37396-37406
[12] Jianbo Tu; Xueqi Wang; Wenhao Dai; Haibo Zhang; Baochang Liu*. Mechanical properties and microstructures of HPHT sintered polycrystalline diamond compacts reinforced with SiC whiskers [J].Journal of Materials Research and Technology,2023,Vol.27: 153-167
[13] Yue Zhu;Xuhui Li;Pengfei Wang;Yun Li;Shengli Li;Volodymyr Bondarenko;Andrii Dreus;Xiaoyang Li;Jinlong Zhu;Baochang Liu.Methane Hydrate Dissociation in Quartz Sand by Depressurization Combined with Microwave Stimulation[J].Energy & Fuels,2023,Vol.37(5): 3697-3708
[14] Jianbo Tu; Xueqi Wang; Wenhao Dai; Haibo Zhang; Baochang Liu*. Performance improvement of PDC and PDC bits by cryogenic treatment [J].Geoenergy Science and Engineering,2023,Vol.221: 211350
[15] Xueqi Wang; Jianbo Tu; Wenhao Dai; Pinwen Zhu; Qiang Tao; Baochang Liu*. Regulating the binder phase of polycrystalline diamond compact by adding tantalum to enhance the mechanical properties [J].International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials,2023,Vol.116: 106344
[16] Zhu, Yue, Xuhui Li, Chuang Zhao, Jing Zhang, Volodymyr Bondarenko, Andrii Dreus, Jinqiang Liang, Xiaoyang Li, Jinlong Zhu, Pengfei Wang, Shengli Li, Baochang Liu*. Decomposition Characteristics of Methane Hydrate in Porous Media under Continuous and Intermittent Microwave Heating. Fuel 332 (2023):126230
[17] Yun, Jiaqi, Chuang Zhao, Xuhui Li, Weiguo Zhang, Haoya Liu, Baochang Liu*. Rheological Properties and Early Mechanical Strength of Oil-Well Cement Modified by Hybrid Nano-Silica and Nano-Hexagonal Boron Nitride. Construction and Building Materials 356 (2022): 129291
[18] Wenhao Dai, Binbin Yue, Si Chang, Haoliang Bai, Baochang Liu*. Mechanical properties and microstructural characteristics of WC-bronze-based impregnated diamond composite reinforced by nano-NbC. Tribology International 174 (2022) 107777
[19] Zhu, Yue; Li, Xuhui; Zhao, Chuang; Zhang, Jing; Bondarenko, Volodymyr; Dreus, Andrii; Liang, Jinqiang; Li, Xiaoyang; Zhu, Jinlong; Wang, Pengfei; Li, Shengli; Liu, Baochang*. Decomposition characteristics of methane hydrate in porous media under continuous and intermittent microwave heating [J].Fuel,2023,Vol.332(2): 126230
[20] Shuai Zhang, Baochang Liu*, Meixuan Li, Huiyuan Wang, Yinlong Ma, Effect of Microstructures and Textures on Different Surfaces on Corrosion Behavior of an as ‑ Extruded ATZ411 Magnesium Alloy Sheet, Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) (2021) 34:1029–1041
[21] Weiguo Zhang, Zhang Shuai, Wenhao Dai, Xueqi Wang, Baochang Liu*, Erosion Wear Characteristics of Cemented Carbide for Mud Pulser Rotor, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 101.938 (2021), 105666
[22] Weiguo Zhang, Yunlong Zhang, Baochang Liu*. Hybrid effect of basalt fiber and carbon fiber on the mechanical properties and microstructure of oil well cement. Construction and Building Materials, 286 (2021), 122696
[23] Shujing Wang, Yue Zhu, Volodymyr Bondarenko, Andrii Dreus, Jinqiang Liang, Baochang Liu*. Design and numerical simulation of a microwave antenna with coaxial slots for preventing secondary formation of gas hydrate. E3S Web of Conferences 230, 01008 (2021)
[24] Zhaoran Chen, Dejiang Ma, Shanmin Wang, Pinwen Zhu, Qiang Tao, Baochang Liu*. Enhanced thermal and mechanical performance of polycrystalline diamond compact by introducing polycrystalline cubic boron nitride at the grain boundaries. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 96 (2021) 105468
[25] Zhaoran Chen, Dejiang Ma, Shanmin Wang, Wenhao Dai, Pinwen Zhu, Yiqing Zhu, Baochang Liu*. Wear resistance and thermal stability enhancement of PDC sintered with Ticoated diamond and cBN. International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials 92 (2020) 105278
[26] Zhaoran Chen, Dejiang Ma, Shanmin Wang, Wenhao Dai, Siqi Li, Yiqing Zhu, Baochang Liu*. Effects of graphene addition on mechanical properties of polycrystalline diamond compact. Ceramics International 46 (2020) 11255–11260
[27] Wenhao Dai, Shuai Zhang, Yue Zhu, Shujing Wang, Kun Bi, Baochang Liu*. Effects of sintering parameters and WC addition on properties of iron-nickel pre-alloy matrix diamond composites, Materials Science Forum, Vol. 993, (2020), pp 739-746
[28] Xin Cao, Anatolii Kozhevnykov, Andrii Dreus, Bao-Chang Liu*. Diamond core drilling process using intermittent flushing mode. Arabian Journal of Geosciences. (2019) 12:137
[29] Shiqi Liu, Lei Han, Yongtao Zou, Pinwen Zhu, Baochang Liu*. Polycrystalline diamond compact with enhanced thermal stability. Journal of Materials Science & Technology 33 (2017) 1386–1391.
1. 特深井钻探用超硬复合材料的高压合成及高效钻头研制,吉林省自然科学基金重大专项,2024.01-2026.12,200万元,在研,主持。
2. 井下钻具轴承用金刚石复合片表面仿生织构设计及其摩擦学性能研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2024.01-2027.12,53万元,在研,主持。
3. 钻探用金刚石复合片晶粒异常生长抑制机理及破岩性能研究,吉林省自然科学基金(长春创新发展联合基金项目),2023.01-2025.12,50万元,在研,主持。
4. 冰岩界面及冰下基岩多工艺取心钻进机理与方法-3,国家重点研发项目“南极冰下复杂地质环境多工艺钻探理论与方法”(2021YFA0719103)子课题,2021.12-2026.11,65万元,在研,子课题负责人。
5. 东南湖大路工程采空区勘察、专项设计,长春城投建设投资(集团)有限公司地勘横向项目,2021.12-2024.12,439.288万元,在研,主持。
6. 675型双向传输短节结构、工装及关键零部件设计优化,中海油田服务股份有限公司委托项目,2020.09-2021.09,109万元,完成,主持。
7. 超硬耐磨材料高温高压合成工艺与微观结构分析,北京华美世纪国际技术有限公司委托项目,2021.08-2022.12,84.3万元,完成,主持。
8. 天然气水合物地下加热与置换开采器具,国家重点研发计划战略性国际科技创新合作重点专项“天然气水合物勘查开发技术联合研究”(SQ2018YFE020424)项目子课题,51万元,2020.01-2022.12,完成,子课题负责人。
9. 高可靠性铝合金钻杆智能制造关键技术(20180201054GX),吉林省科技发展计划重点科技研发项目,2018.1.1-2020.12.31,100万元,完成验收,主持
10. 铝合金钻杆在钻井液中的腐蚀行为与腐蚀机理研究(20170101159JC),吉林省科技发展计划自然科学基金项目,2017.1.1-2019.12.31,10万元,完成验收,主持。
11. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(41572357),硬岩钻探用金刚石复合片的仿生设计及强韧化机理,2016.1.1-2019.12.31,62万元,完成,主持
12. 国家国际科技合作专项项目(2013DFR70490),深部油气钻探用高性能钻具系统关键技术合作研究,2013/04-2016/04,735万元,完成,第二负责人
13. 中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目(200902487),硬岩钻进用仿生结构金刚石复合片及钻头研究,2009/06-2011/06,10万元,已结题,主持
14. 第43批中国博士后科学基金一等资助项目(20080430158),土壤洞穴动物趾形仿生钻头研究,2008/06-2010/06,5万元,已结题,主持
15. 金刚石复合片抗冲击性能测定仪的开发,企业委托项目,已在国内10余家超硬材料企业得到推广应用,负责人。
[1] 刘宝昌,韩哲,李思奇,赵新哲,戴文昊。一种利用摩擦热能碎岩的孕镶金刚石钻具,CN 109798073 B,2023.10.13,发明。
[2] 刘宝昌,朱月,朱金龙,李赟,弗拉基米尔·邦达仁科,安德利·德留斯。一种间歇式微波加热辅助开采天然气水合物的方法,CN 115012882 B,2023.05.02,发明。
[4] 刘宝昌,陈朝然。一种耐高温耐磨型聚晶金刚石复合片及其制备方法,CN 112746814 B,2022.01.04,发明
[5] 刘宝昌,陈朝然。一种类地幔条件烧结聚晶金刚石复合片及其制备方法,CN 112756604 B,2021.11.05,发明
[6] 刘宝昌,曹鑫,李闯,张弛,王海源,王彧佼。一种金刚石深冷处理方法,CN 107879341 B,2020.11.24,发明
[7] 刘宝昌,戴文昊,张帅,李思奇,朱月,陈朝然。一种石墨烯增强预合金基金刚石复合材料及其制备方法,CN109778040 B,2020.08.25,发明
[8] 刘宝昌,陈朝然,朱艺清,石佳鑫,朱月,李思奇,韩哲,赵新哲,张帅。适用于钻探的热稳定型聚晶金刚石复合片及其制备方法,CN 110029942 B,2020.11.24,发明
[9] 刘宝昌,戴文昊,李思奇,韩哲,赵新哲,王姝婧。纳米碳化铌/碳纳米管增强金刚石复合材料及其制备方法,CN 109913682 B,2020.12.15,发明
[10] 刘宝昌,陈朝然,朱艺清,石佳鑫,曹鑫,戴文昊,王姝婧,朱月,李思奇,韩哲,赵新哲,张帅。 一种高韧性导电型聚晶金刚石复合片及其制备方法,CN110090963B,2020-08-18,发明
[11] 刘宝昌,赵新哲,李闯,曹鑫,李思奇,韩哲。 一种金刚石复合材料的深冷处理方法,CN107937784B, 2020-03-10,发明
[12] 刘宝昌,李思奇,李闯,曹鑫,韩哲,赵新哲。 一种聚晶立方氮化硼/金刚石复合材料及其制备方法,CN107815580A,2018-03-20,发明
[13] 刘宝昌, 刘时琦, 陈朝然, 孙永辉。 一种电解法脱除聚晶金刚石复合片中部分金属钴的方法,CN201510283728.4. 2015-08-26,发明
[14] 刘宝昌,吴海东,孙友宏,马银龙。 一种纳米氧化锆弥散强化金刚石复合材料及其制备方法,CN201310105295.4. 2015-01-21. 发明
[15] 刘宝昌,孙友宏,严轩辰,马银龙,高科。 一种镍铝金属间化合物/金刚石复合材料及其制备方法,CN201310073290.8. 2015-05-20. 发明
[16] 刘宝昌,孙友宏,王晓峰,毛建设,高科,郭威,薛军,范晓鹏。铝合金钻杆杆体和钢接头连接使用的冷组装装置,CN201320843664.5. 2015-12-30. 发明
[17] 刘宝昌,谭志松,孙友宏,于萍,李艳娇,高科。铝合金钻杆接头热组装内冷却系统, CN201310703445.1. 2016-10-19. 发明
1. 异形聚晶金刚石复合体及其在能源开采中的应用, 河南省科学技术进步二等奖(排名第3),2023.12
2. 高韧性PDC复合片及其在破岩机械中的应用, 中国机械工业科学技术进步三等奖(排名第2),2023.10
3. 高性能金刚石工具,吉林省科学技术进步奖二等奖(排名第4),2010.12
4. 水文水井泡沫增压钻探技术研究与开发,国土资源科学技术奖一等奖(排名第15),2004.10
5. 《岩土钻凿工艺学》课程教学改革与实践,吉林省教学成果奖二等奖(排名第2),2013.12